Last updated 20th March 2025
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If you cannot attend a visitation, then please let the Archdeacon's PA know. It is important that you are sworn in by 31 August otherwise your election will not be legally confirmed. It is a requirement that wardens be sworn in by an Archdeacon unless there are exceptional circumstances. This year there is more flexibility and wardens could visit another Deanery Visitation - again let the Archdeacon's PA know. If that is not possible then please contact your Archdeacon's office so that he can make an arrangement for alternative provision.
Churchwardens' Briefings The briefing for the Blackburn Archdeaconry will be held on Wednesday 30th July. Full details to follow. The briefing for the Lancaster Archdeaconry will be held on the 14th of July, details from Jude Causer. Each briefing will be held by zoom, and include presentations on a number of topics.
This year, the Archdeacons have chosen Friends of the Holy Land as their charity. Friends of the Holy Land works to support the lives and witness of Christians living in the Holy Land through prayer and practical projects, recognising that their presence in the land where Jesus once walked is an important witness to all Christians. More information on how to donate to this charity will follow in the coming weeks.
Churchwardens' Yearbook 2025 is now available to order- order form in word here ChurchwardensYearbook 2024. The yearbook contains a useful outline of churchwardens’ duties; recommended reading matter and websites; helpful organistions and sources of finance; contact details for key personnel in all Anglican dioceses in England, Wales and Europe; religious festivals of other faiths; Parochial Fees tables. The diary section is detailed and guide to readings and all manner of information. Copies of the 2024 yearbook are available at a reduced price (£9.95) which may be useful for new wardens, as it will see you through to the remainder of this year.
The rest of this page contains all the paperwork relating to election of Churchwardens and other paperwork required to be legally compliant in the run up to the election of Churchwardens. Please be aware that there are new Church Representation Rules effective from 2020 which impact on how PCCs and APCMs are organised, as well as the instruments. |
VISITATIONS 2025The Archdeacons are writing to all parishes with details relating to the year end and visitations for 2025. The APCM has to be held by the 31 May, rather than April, in line with the Church Representation Rules 2022. It is recommended that APCMs should be held after 17 May and before 31st May, ie as late as possible. The wardens need to be admitted by 31 August if they do not attend a visitation. If they are not admitted into office by this date, they will not legally be warden of their parish.
Details of the dates and venues of the Visitations for 2025 are above. The invitations to services this year are for churchwardens and incumbents as has become the custom.
If you cannot attend your deanery visitation and wish to attend another, please advise your Archdeacon's PA. If you cannot under exceptional circumstances attend at all, then again let us know so that the Archdeacon can make arrangements for you to be sworn in. Should this arrangement be conducted locally to you, then these words should be used from the service sheet, complete this declaration and send it back to Kelly Quinn or Jude Causer.
Note that existing wardens' term of office continues until the new warden has been sworn in at the Visititation (Canon E1 and Churchwardens Measure 2001 61b). For the purposes of updating the website, where we know a warden is standing down, the date they finish is 31 August. The intention is to update this on our database as soon as possible after the date of the Visitation when we know who has been admitted to office.
If you have any questions regarding the admission of wardens, please contact in the first instance.
The Notice for the Church door or noticeboard is the official Invitation from the Archdeacon to Churchwardens to attend a Visitation Service. The notice should be displayed from the first Sunday after receiving the full documentation directly from the Archdeacon until the date of the Visitation. For the notice to display in your church, please click on the deanery link above
Election of a Churchwarden All forms relating to the election of churchwardens can be found on the Parish Resources Website. This site also contains the forms for the election of PCC members, Deanery Synod members and administration of the electoral roll.
Nomination as a Churchwarden The Nomination Form for Churchwarden should be made available for anyone on the church electoral roll to nominate someone as Churchwarden. The Archdeacons do not need to see the the completed form(s); please do not send them in! You sould note that there are strict criteria regarding becoming a warden which are detailed on the nomination form.
After election as a Churchwarden - Declaration formsAfter election at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM), the PCC secretary should advise Kelly Quinn (Blackburn) or Jude Causer (Lancaster) of the names and emails of any new wardens. The Churchwarden's declaration will be completed at the Visitation and handed to the area dean. We are trying to reduce the amount of printing and paper we use in line with our Environmental Policy. After the Visitation, church wardens will be sent an electronic link which enables them to check that their details held on our database are correct and enable then to amend them as necessary, including their GDPR preferences. Details will sent to you in due course. Alternatively, please complete this Churchwardens Declaration and email it back to the office. Please do not bring printed declarations to the Visitation. Please note that as a warden is a public office, at least one contact detail should be public, whether mobile, landline or email address.
Further support and information can be found on the Parish Resources website
Electoral Roll The Electoral Roll was revised in 2019. The link to information is here.
Articles of Enquiry The Articles of Enquiry are now completed via the Parish Returns Online - in the same way as you would complete other returns. There are no Articles of Enquiry this year.