Last updated 10th February 2025
Rev. Canon Neil Kelley, Rector of St Laurence in Chorley, is also our Assistant Archdeacon with responsibility for Clergy Wellbeing.
Writing to parishes recently, the Bishop of Blackburn, Rt Rev. Philip North, said: "I am delighted Neil has taken up this role.
"He will be responsible for drawing together all the existing strands that are relevant to this complex area.
"Whilst he will not have the time to offer much by way of direct pastoral care of clergy, which remains the responsibility of others, he will develop a single, coherent strategy for clergy wellbeing to which all will be accountable.
"He will also liaise with the various external agencies and charities that contribute to this area of the Church’s life. Neil brings to the role not just decades of experience of frontline parochial ministry, but an expertise in the area of wellbeing and healing.
Clergy Wellbeing Matters Easter 2024 - newsletter for download
The ordained ministers of the Church of England are a vital part of the Mission of God to the nation.
As both good stewardship of this vital resource and in exercise of its duty of care, the Church needs to ensure that its clergy find their ministry life-giving, sustainable in the long-term and properly supported in crisis as well as in less risky moments.
The wellbeing of the clergy is crucial to the health of the Church at worship, in mission and in pastoral care.
Clergy have opportunity to meet together in their Deanery Chapter and other groupings
There is also the provision of grants for training events, retreats and sabbaticals, and the Ministerial Development Review process.
If you would like to explore mentoring or work consultancy, please ask the Director of Ministry or your Archdeacon.
"All should guard themselves and their family against becoming victims of harmful levels of stress.
It is the calling of all Christians, whether married or not, including those with a vocation to celibacy, to take the necessary steps to nurture in holiness their lives, their friendships and their family relationships."
Guidelines for the Professional Conduct of the Clergy 2015, 10.4
It is good that our Bishops are keen to clarify that all clergy are entitled to an uninterrupted rest period of 24 hours in each period of seven days and one additional rest period of 24 hours in each month, and in the remaining weeks of the month to take a rest day and a light day. Where there are genuine difficulties in taking rest days, please either feel free to speak with me or your Archdeacon to see if there are ways we can help.
The NHS offers health checks for anyone aged 40-74 who does not already have a serious health issue. Details on their website.
The Archdeacon of Blackburn also organises regular clergy walks that give an opportunity for mutual support ... as well as burning off a few calories! Information about these walks is always emailed direct to clergy in advance of them taking place.
All clergy are encouraged to have someone who will help them reflect on their spiritual life.
We have a diocesan spiritual direction scheme which can help you find someone if that would be helpful.
More information can be found on the spiritual direction page of the website.
Bishop Philip has appointed Ms Janet Sanderson ( as the Bishop’s Visitor for Blackburn diocese.
The role of the Bishop’s Visitor is to support clergy spouse/partners in the event of a clergy marriage facing difficulties or coming to an end for any reason. The role is to support, help identify needs and provide signposting to ensure those needs are met.
Full details of the Church of England Policy and Guidance for the care of the spouses and partners of divorced and separated clergy can be found at Office holder documents | The Diocese of Blackburn (
Other helpful information is available at the Broken Rites website.
Please contact Janet Sanderson, Neil Kelley or one of the Archdeacons if you would require any support.
We have an Assistant Archdeacon with responsibility for clergy wellbeing (see story at top of page).
The Diocesan HR Manager, Andrew Cooke ( can also help clergy access a number of avenues of support via our occupational health provider.
If you would rather access support directly here are some other options to explore:
Ronnie Semley, last updated October 2024