Last updated 28th February 2025
Thank you so much to our Churchwardens, PCC Secretaries and Treasurers for everything you do to support our local parishes – it really is appreciated.
We know that we ask you to complete a lot of forms and paperwork and that it can be complicated to know what needs to be returned when. Below we have set out a short guide to some of the returns that should to be completed, but if you are unsure of what you need to do, please get in touch.
Be assured, we only ask you for information that is required for legal/statutory reasons or to assist with local or national strategic missional work to support parishes and clergy.
This return captures information on church attendance and occasional offices. Whilst the information is collected by the National Church, we also use the data within the Diocese of Blackburn to understand what is going on locally in our parishes.
The Statistics for Mission Return is usually completed by the Churchwarden, the deadline is 31st January. The easiest way to complete this return is using the online parish returns system which can be accessed using the following link If you need any help accessing or using the online system please contact Chrissie Oakley (
We have a ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ document to help you with completing the return, it can be found here.
Whilst we use the information from the Statistics for Mission return to support our understanding of parishes, there is some data that the we need which is not included in the Statistics return. We therefore have our own ‘Diocese of Blackburn Data Collection Form’ which enables us to gather this information.
The additional data collected relates to Regular Weekly Attendance and Children and Young People. This return is usually completed by the Churchwarden, the deadline is 1st December.
Tthe Diocese of Blackburn Data Collection Form can be found here. The form can be returned either via email to Chrissie Oakley ( or by post to Blackburn Diocesan Board of Finance, Diocesan Offices, Clayton House, Walker Office Park, Blackburn, BB1 2QE.
The Return of Parish Finance is a national church form that is used to gather financial data from all parishes across the country in the same format. This enables financial analysis to be completed to understand where financial support may be required.
The finance return is usually completed by the Treasurer, the deadline is 28th June. The easiest way to complete the return is using the online parish returns system which can be accessed using the following link If you need any help accessing or using the online system please contact Chrissie Oakley (
It is a requirement of the Charity Commission for a copy of the financial accounts to be sent to the Diocese offices. This should be sent as soon as possible after year end, either electronically via email to Chrissie Oakley (, or by post to Blackburn Diocesan Board of Finance, Diocesan Offices, Clayton House, Walker Office Park, Blackburn, BB1 2QE.
The Energy Footprint Tool is a national church form which collects information relating to the carbon footprint of our churches. This helps both the national church and the Diocese to understand how we are progressing towards the target to achieve carbon net zero.
The Energy Footprint Tool usually needs to be completed jointly by the Churchwarden and Treasurer, the deadline is 31st July. The easiest way to complete the return is using the online parish returns system which can be accessed using the following link If you need any help accessing or using the online system please contact Chrissie Oakley (
It is a requirement of the Church Representation Rules that Churchwardens make a Declaration to the Archdeacon demonstrating that they are prepared to stand for office. Churchwardens should be elected at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) which must take place by 31st May. The Churchwardens Declaration is then completed in person during the Annual Visitations. All Churchwardens need to be sworn in by 31st August.
If you require any further information about the Churchwardens Declaration or the Annual Visitations please contact Kelly Quinn (
It is a legal requirement for PCC’s to care for their church building, this includes the need to obtain a church building condition report (Quinquennial Inspection) every 5-years. Once the report has been obtained, the Churchwarden should scan the document and send a copy to the Diocesan Advisory Committee (DAC) Secretary ( or send a copy in the post to Blackburn Diocesan Board of Finance, Diocesan Offices, Clayton House, Walker Office Park, Blackburn, BB1 2QE.
The Parochial Fees form is required by the Diocesan Finance Team to ensure that the parish share request received by each parish reflects any fees received for weddings and funerals. This form is usually completed by the Treasurer. Further information on the completion of this return, along with the associated form can be found here.
It is a requirement of the Church Representation Rules that the number of people on the Electoral Roll is reported to the Diocese annually after the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM). It is only the number of people on the roll, not the list of names, that needs to be reported to the Diocese.
The Electoral Roll information is collected by the PCC Secretary or Administrator. The number should be reported on the form that can be found here and returned either via email to Karen Ashcroft ( or by post to Blackburn Diocesan Board of Finance, Diocesan Offices, Clayton House, Walker Office Park, Blackburn, BB1 2QE.
In order for the Bishop’s, Archdeacon’s and Diocese Staff to ensure that any contact with church officers is sent to the right person, it is essential that any changes to Churchwardens, PCC Secretaries, Treasurers, Vision Champions or Safeguarding Leads are reported to the Diocese.
Any changes should be emailed to Karen Ashcroft ( as soon as possible after the change is made. This enables the Diocese contact management system to be kept up to date and communications sent to the correct individuals.
On an annual basis, Archdeacon’s can send questions to parishes to gather specific information to assist them, along with the Bishop’s, in the development of strategy to support parishes. If questions are asked, these will be sent out to parishes and responses should be provided by 31st May.
Each parish can nominate representatives to sit on the Deanery Synod. The number of representatives is dependent on the size of the parish. The Deanery Synod representatives should be selected at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM). Following selection, the contact details for the Deanery Synod representatives should be sent by the PCC Secretary to the Deanery Synod Secretary. The Deanery Synod secretary will collate a full list of the Deanery Synod members and submit this to the Diocese.
Archiving records
Lancashire Archives cares for most of the original records from Church of England parishes in the Diocese of Blackburn. At our specialist archive premises in Preston we securely store huge collections of parish records and help visitors to use the records for their local and family history research.
The Diocese of Blackburn parish records contain thousands of minute books, account books, letters, title deeds, plans and photographs – as well as the more commonly used registers of baptisms, marriages and burials. The collections tell the stories of communities throughout Lancashire and are of vital importance to the history of the County.
You can find out more about which parishes we hold records for by using this guide Church registers guide - Lancashire County Council or searching our online catalogue LANCAT: Home Page (
You can arrange to view material at the Archives by contacting us at or calling 01772 533039.
Lancashire Archives helps the Diocese of Blackburn fulfil its responsibilities in preserving church records. We actively collect material from parishes and welcome enquiries concerning the transfer of new records to the archives. Please contact us at and we can offer advice on the types and formats of records of historic value, or to arrange a deposit of material.
Last updated September 2023, Chrissie Oakley