Last updated 24th February 2025
Communications resource area - welcome!
Welcome to the Communications Resource area of the Diocesan website which is regularly updated with helpful advice.
I’m Ronnie Semley, the Diocesan Communications Manager. I have worked in the media and communications industry for many years, first as a journalist and later as a strategic communications manager in the public sector.
You can read more about my career on my LinkedIn page where you can also connect with me. Just send me an invitation to do so.
My role encompasses all the major communications needs of the Diocesan Bishop as well as communications support and advice for the other senior clergy and the senior staff. I am a member of the Bishop’s Leadership Team.
I work with Kaitlyn Rose, Digital Communications Officer and Karen Ashcroft, Senior Administrator. Contact details below, or click here to go straight to them.
In this communications resource area you will find comprehensive advice about all aspects of communications to assist parishes in their work. These pages are continually growing and being updated. Headings include: 'Get Your Church Noticed'; 'Copyright Advice'; Effective Digital Communications'; 'Template Press Releases' and much more ...
Please take some time to explore this section via the links under 'Communications Resources' in the menu on the right or by clicking the links directly below if you prefer. Comments, compliments or other feedback? Get in touch via
Work overview
Our strategic communications work includes the coordination of ...
proactive media relations (including writing and issuing press releases); also reputation management and crisis communications support
- internal communications: including coordinating and editing the Parish Update ebulletin every two weeks plus advice to colleagues producing our other less frequent ebulletins, such as Safeguarding Matters.
- online communications, including overseeing the news pages of this website; management of our social media channels including X/Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. We also coordinate various video productions including some material for our Diocesan app 'Fruitful'.
- support for large-scale Diocesan-wide events, everything from the four-day 'Crossroads' Northern Bishops' Mission in September 2016 to the Diocesan online #HomeGrown conference in 2020 and many more events
- production of other key publications and coordination of communications: everything from promotion of Whalley Abbey to Parish Share
- brand management – for the Diocesan logo and the Vision 2026 branding
- communications advice and training for clergy and parishes and continual development of online communications resources
We also provide (principally reactive) media support for the Diocesan Board of Education, and Whalley Abbey (our Centre for Christian Discipleship and Prayer).
Working together
- If you have a story of regional or possibly even national interest I will be happy to discuss it with you and, if it is suitable for a wider audience, I will work directly with you on the publicity.
- As a small team it's impossible to do press releases for every parish event! That's why, for everyday publicity, parishes are strongly encouraged to produce their own press releases and to liaise with their local media directly. It is also why loads of advice and help is available to do this; including in the aforementioned Communications Resources section of this website where you will find helpful templates and via the training course 'Get Your Church Noticed'.
- In the unlikely event you should have a serious crisis of any kind in your church which could spark the attention of regional or even national media, then I can support. If your crisis is related to a safeguarding issue however you MUST inform the Safeguarding Team first and, if necessary, I will then get involved at the appropriate point. Contacts for the Safeguarding Team are under the 'Safeguarding' heading on the homepage of this website. If you phone me first about a safeguarding matter I will still direct you to them first at all times.
- Kaitlyn and I are also available to offer general advice; just drop us an email (see below) or give me a call. Also, look me up on Linkedin and connect with me.
- There is also freelance support for photography and video work as and when required and as our limited budget availability allows.
Contact details
Ronnie Semley, Diocesan Communications Manager
E: or
T: 01254 503416
Kaitlyn Rose, Digital Communications Officer
E: or; often email will be the quickest way to reach Kaitlyn
T: 07953 222222 and 01254 503078
Karen Ashcroft, Senior Administrator (including support for communications)
E: or
Ronnie Semley, page last updated February 2025