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Last updated 20th July 2023

Churchwardens' duties

Thank you to those of you who have chosen to serve God and your community through the office of Churchwarden.

This page outlines a list of the primary duties of a Churchwarden in this Diocese ... where we are collectively working together for Vision 2026 Healthy Churches Transforming Communities. More about Vision 2026 can be found under the 'Vision 2026' heading on the homepage of this website. 

Also below the primary duties section you can find links to case studies in relation to the work of a church warden taken from the national Church of England website. 

Churchwardens' briefings 2023

Two briefings for Churchwardens took place, and both sessions included useful presentations and information on the registry (legal issues), buildings, environmental and eco issues. There will also be a session for new wardens in September, date to be confirmed.

Information from the briefings is on the Churchwardens' Briefings and Information page

Churchwardens' Yearbook 2023

To assist in your duties you can order a copy of the helpful Churchwarden's Yearbook 2023.

The Yearbook 2023 costs £14.95 with free delivery from Churchwarden Publications (bookshop price £16.00).

It can be ordered by phone on 01985 840189 using card payment, or by post (Churchwarden Publications, PO Box 420, WARMINSTER, BA12 9XB) with personal cheque, PCC cheque, or card payment.   

It has two sections.  The diary runs from Advent 2022 to Epiphany 2024 and contains a wealth of information useful for planning services.  The reference section gives an outline of churchwardens’ duties; recommended reading matter and websites; helpful organisations and sources of finance; contact details for key personnel in all Anglican dioceses in England, Wales and Europe; religious festivals of other faiths; Parochial Fees tables. 

Primary duties and monthly checklist

1.    To be a Christian:

  • committed to and believing in the Jesus Christ as your own personal Saviour and Lord.
  • now living out your life as a Servant of Christ and `given` to building  the Kingdom of God.

2.   To be a Christian leader:

  • setting an example of Christian life and holiness
  • growing in Christian maturity and wisdom
  • convinced of the Gospel and God`s calling.
  • to make being a Churchwarden a priority.

3.   To work collaboratively in partnership:

  • with humility and graciousness
  • as a peacemaker, bridge builder and reconciler
  • with loyalty and co-operation especially towards the Priest and others in leadership.

4. To co-operate with the Priest in leading the whole mission of the Church:

  • pastoral
  • evangelistic
  • social
  • ecumenical

5. To be the Bishop's Officer:

  • attend any meeting of the Bishop, Chancellor or Archdeacon when summoned.
  • report any matter of serious neglect within the Parish.
  • must make accurate and timely replies to any 'articles of enquiry' from Archdeacon

6. To be Stewards of the church building and furnishings:

7. Other duties:

  • responsible for seating
  • oversee the taking and recording of collections
  • provide bread/wine under direction of priest
  • welcome visiting clergy/arrange for necessary clergy cover in co-operation with priest
  • ensure that the parish financial obligations are met
  • work with the Area Dean and Archdeacon especially during times of vacancy
  • make sure of a good hand-over to your successor

8. Monthly Checklist for Church Buildings

Case studies to help churchwardens

A helpful checklist for weddings - kindly prepared by two wardens, Helen Tozer and Irene Charlton

Help and further advice, including Archdeacons' offices

For further advice and help the Archdeacons' have secretaries who are your first port of call and will pass messages on to the Archdeacons who respond as appropriate. Details about their offices can be found here. 






Kelly Quinn; last updated July 2023



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