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Last updated 18th March 2025

Archdeacons' Parish Visitations

The Archdeacon carries out a visitation to every parish (and usually to all the church buildings within the parish) ideally on a three-yearly cycle. (This is not the same as the Archdeacon’s Annual (Deanery) Visitation at which Churchwardens are admitted).

The purpose of the visitation is for the Archdeacon to act as 'a critical friend' to the Parochial Church Council to check that the parish is complying with the requirements of various Measures; in particular, the Inspection of Churches Measures 1955, the Parochial Registers and Records Measure 1978 and the Care of Churches and Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Measure 1991. The Archdeacon will also like to hear more about the missional plans of the church. 

Visitations will entail the issue by the Archdeacon of a questionnaire to be completed before the Visitation is due to take place.

The Archdeacon will require to see and inspect all parochial registers and records held in the parish, the inventory and log book, the minute and account books, insurance policies, the PCC’s policies on child protection, employees’ contracts, and insurance policies; to review progress on quinquennial works; and to inspect the storage of valuables and to inspect the buildings and curtilage, and security and safety systems, and to see the PCC’s Mission/Vision Action Plan.

The Archdeacon will wish to meet the incumbent and churchwardens and PCC treasurer, and possibly the whole PCC. A report by the Archdeacon will be made after each visitation has been completed.

Area Deans may at the request of the Archdeacon undertake a visitation with and/or on behalf of the Archdeacon.


You may find it useful to hold the Church Log book and Property Register (including Terrier) electronically.  These can be found here  Church property register, and same in word and Church Log book here and here in word


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