Last updated 8th December 2023
Making Disciples of Jesus Christ: Overview

Making disciples of Jesus Christ is one of the key themes of Vision 2026.
Below is a summary of the current aims and activities of the Making Disciples Team.
It was adapted from the much more detailed Vision 2026 Implementation Plan (2021-2024) which you can read in full here.
Mature disciples...
...are scripturally knowledgeable,
...spend regular quality time in prayer,
...are active members of their worshipping community (in small groups as well as the wider congregation),
...are actively discipling others,
...are equipped to live out their Christian faith wherever their own ‘frontline’ is (work, leisure, family, local community...),
...give willingly of their time, talents and money to further the kingdom of God.
The aim of the Making Disciples team is to help people to move on in their spiritual formation through:
A) Knowing the Scriptures Better and Equipping Confident Christian Disciples
- Producing seasonal daily devotional resources
- Creating a Centre for Discipleship at Whalley Abbey
- Launching a new Discipleship App - coming soon in Lent 2024
- Developing a dedicated part of the diocesan website for discipleship tools and resources
- Providing a diocesan discipleship programme (Roots of Faith), as part of the ministry of Whalley Abbey.
- Promoting ‘Everyday Faith’, the Church of England’s discipleship campaign
B) Praying with greater Depth and Urgency for the Kingdom of God to come
C) Offering Worship in Spirit and Truth through the Ministry of Word and Sacrament
"A time is coming and has now come when the true worshippers will worship the Father in Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshippers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshippers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” (John 4:23-24).
Worshipping God in spirit and in truth means to love him with heart, soul, mind and strength – the heart is engaged and the mind is informed. This will be encouraged by:
- Hosting a series of webinars featuring people from around the diocese to share good practice.
- Offering support in developing online worship and liturgy
- Offering training and support in preaching for clergy and lay leaders.
- Encouraging the practice of sacramental confession.
- Providing practical resources via the diocesan website.
D) Giving Generously of our Time, Talents and Money to the Cause of Christ
- Adopting the national Parish Giving Scheme
- Providing advice and training on Contactless Giving and Online Giving
- Developing and teaching about the role of legacies in stewardship, and equipping churches to run a legacy campaign.
- To explore a new approach to inspiring generous giving, in line with the Church of England’s national giving strategy
- The Diocesan Stewardship Resourcing Officer...
- ...supporting parishes directly on a one-to-one basis
- ...communicating with treasurers through the ‘Money Matters' newsletter
- ...providing training for Treasurers and Gift Aid Secretaries
- Producing a series of short videos on inspiring generosity.
Further Support Offered by the Making Disciples Team:
The Making Disciples team will also be:
1. Offering Discipleship Consultancy, Tools and Training
2. Enabling Spiritual Direction and Mentoring to be available to all, lay and ordained, across the diocese
Sarah Marston, updated December 2023