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Last updated 14th March 2024

What is whole life discipleship?

Focus on discipleship

As part of our Vision 2026, The Church of England in Lancashire will be focusing intently on the importance of discipleship in the coming years as part of the 'Making Disciples' strand of the Vision.

We want to encourage people to be disciples every day of the week, from Monday through to Sunday. In addition, our 'focus on discipleship' aims to encourage better knowledge of the Bible; praying with greater depth and urgency for the Kingdom of God to come and giving more generously of our time, talents and money in the cause of Christ.

Watch this video before reading on, produced with the help of Bowland Media, in which we talk to people of ALL ages and backgrounds from our churches and schools across the Diocese to find out what being a disciple of Christ means to them in their daily lives.



Who are today’s disciples?

Lots of people – probably you included! Disciples aren’t just the first followers of Jesus, and they aren’t ultra-holy people who’ve got everything sorted. We believe that anyone who follows Jesus and tries to live out their Christian faith is a disciple. We all have the chance to worship and to pray, to learn more about what we believe, and to live out our Christian faith.

Why ‘whole-life discipleship’?

When we read about Jesus’ life, we see him talking about everyday things, and meeting people going about their daily business. God is interested in every aspect of our lives. This life involves every aspect of who we are: at work; enjoying art, music, food, celebration and sport; and in worship, prayer and studying the Bible. And that can be how other people first come into contact with the Christian faith: a recent survey showed that over a third of practising Christians said that a conversation with a Christian had helped them to come to faith – and one in five non-Christians are open to find out more about the Christian faith. 

Where can I find help with this?

  •  Watch the video above and play it during your next church service if you can. Play it at your next Bible Study or Life Group; use it as a basis for starting a discussion about what being a disciple 24/7 actually means to you and people you know.
  •  Talk to your vicar or lay church leaders about ways your church can make small changes to help people to live as whole-life disciples Monday-Saturday. 
  •  Look at the prayer, worship and discipleship pages under 'Resources' on this website for ideas about prayer and reading the Bible, and the SHAPEd for God’s Purpose course, which helps us to think about what makes us who we are, and how that fits in with God’s purpose for us.
  •  The London Institute for Contemporary Christianity has produced some books and study courses that help people to think about how to live out their faith in their daily lives, especially at work.
  •  Talk to the Making Discipleship Cooridinator, Sarah Marston by email on or phone 01254 503098 for more ideas for things you can do, and ways the Diocesan Making Disciples team can help you.

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