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Last updated 9th August 2017

Deanery synods

Deanery Synods consist of a House of Clergy and a House of Laity and, at Deanery level, they exercise similar powers to those of the Diocesan Synod. In addition, they bring together the views of the parishes in the Deanery on common issues, make known provisions made by Diocesan Synod, consider the business of Diocesan Synod and raise such matters with it as the Deanery Synod considers appropriate.

Diocesan Synod may delegate functions to Deanery Synods in relation to the parishes of the individual Deanery, in particular the determination of parochial shares (the amount each parish is requested to contribute towards the diocesan budget).

The meetings are usually chaired by a Lay Chair, elected from among the members. The Area Dean will usually be present at every meeting. There may also be an elected Lay Secretary and Treasurer. 

Deanery Synods may have a Standing Committee (to consider matters arising between synods and agree the synod meeting agenda) and/or Mission and Pastoral Committee (to consider the whole mission strategy of the deanery and to advise the Diocesan Pastoral Committee on matters of clergy appointments).  



All members of the clergy resident in a deanery are automatically members of Deanery Synod.

Elections of lay members to Deanery Synods happen every three years. The next election process commences in spring 2020.

The number of places that a parish has on a deanery synod depends on the number of people on the parish electoral roll in the year prior to the election. See table below:

Number of people on Electoral roll Number of Deanery Synod representatives
1-25 1
26-100 2
101-200 3
201-300 4
301-400 5
401-500 6
501-750 7


Members are elected to a deanery synod at a Parish Annual General Meeting and become 'Ex-officio' members of their local Parochial Church Council (PCC). 

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