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Last updated 31st January 2025

Reporting a safeguarding concern


Help when you need it

Safeguarding - CSW Group Ltd.Any safeguarding concerns in a parish should be brought to the attention of your local Parish Safeguarding Officer(s) (PSO) in the first instance, who can seek further advice from the DSA or ADSA if necessary. 

Safeguarding concerns in a school/universtity/prison/healthcare setting should be raised with the relevant organisation's Safeguarding team.

When passing on a concern to the Diocese, please use the parish recording document which can be accessed here.

The contact details below are best when reporting a concern.

  • M: 01254 503088
  • E:
  • P: Diocesan Offices, Clayton House, Walker Business Park, Blackburn, BB1 2QE

If you have a safeguarding emergency outside of these hours, please ring the social care emergency duty team in your area or if someone is in immediate danger please ring the police on 999.

Out of hours helpline: Thirty One Eight

For safeguarding advice in the evening, weekend and on bank holidays or when advised by the diocesan safeguarding team, please contact Thirtyone:eight will respond to your concerns. They can be contacted on 0303 003 1111. Please note 31:8 is not for emergencies it is for any advice that is needed in relation to safeguarding and it is to ensure you get a prompt response to safeguarding queries when the diocesan safeguarding advisers/officers are not available.

In an Emergency

If you or someone is at risk of immediate harm, please call 999 and ask for the emergency service that you require.

To Report a Concern to Statutory Social Care Services

Please use the link below to contact the social care services in your area. Lancashire Safeguarding Partnership - Report a Concern

Any safeguarding concern that you have, or action you take should always be shared with the Diocesan Safeguarding Team. If you contact 31:8 they will share this with the safeguarding team. Otherwise contact the team directly on

The safeguarding helpline is closed between midnight and 7am. 

An Information Sharing Agreement between the two organisations will allow for the DSO to receive a copy of the advice Thirtyone:eight may offer the parish church/caller. For all policy related queries please refer to the Diocesan website for more information here

Survivor Support Services

A list of organisations offering support to survivors is available to download here.

Interim Support Scheme

The Archbishops’ Council has established an Interim Support Scheme to improve the Church’s response to current and non-current survivors of Church-related abuse.

This Scheme is part of the Church’s recognition that harm has been caused by both that abuse itself, and the Church’s responses to survivors. This Scheme is not intended to provide compensation or restitution to survivors, nor is it a redress scheme; this is being developed separately by the Church.

The Interim Support Scheme is intended to give immediate help and support to survivors whose life circumstances are significantly affected by the abuse suffered, and the response to it and is designed to address immediate and urgent needs that help in the short-term to put the survivor’s life back on track.

How to apply

Please send the following to

A full list of supporting documents including a How To Guide can be found here.

Confidentiality Declaration

The Diocesan Safeguarding Team has a secure electronic system for retaining any safeguarding information we receive. 

Access to the information is restricted to those in the team who are working on the concern and complies to our privacy commitment under the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). We may, on occasions, share this information with statutory organisations to comply with our obligations under national legislation.   

Where it is necessary for the safeguarding of children or vulnerable adults, we will share information with others involved in safeguarding within the church, but we will inform you of our intention to do so.  Further information can be obtained from the Safeguarding team upon request.



Claudia Aspey, updated October 2024