Last updated 14th March 2025
More details of committees and what they do can be found here
House of Clergy |
Chair |
Rev Canon Peter Lillicrap |
Vice Chair |
Vacant |
House of Laity |
Chair |
Mr Bob Collins |
Vice Chair |
Miss Wendy Walker |
Bishop's Council and Standing Committee/Blackburn Diocesan Board of Finance Ltd |
Ex officio Members |
Bishop of Blackburn |
Rt Rev Philip North |
Bishop of Burnley |
Rt Rev Joe Kennedy |
Bishop of Lancaster |
Rt Rev Dr Jill Duff |
Archdeacon of Blackburn |
Ven Mark Ireland |
Archdeacon of Lancaster |
Ven David Picken |
The Dean of Blackburn |
Very Revd Peter Howell-Jones |
Ex-Officio Elected by Diocesan Synod |
Chair of the House of Clergy |
Rev Canon Peter Lillicrap |
Vice Chair of the House of Clergy |
Vacant |
Chair of the House of Laity |
Mr Bob Collins |
Vice Chair of the House of Laity |
Miss Wendy Walker |
Ex-Officio Appointed by Synod |
Chair of the Diocesan Board of Finance |
Mr David Barlow |
Vice Chair of the Diocesan Board of Finance |
Mr Nick Aves |
Ex-Officio Appointed by Bishop of Blackburn |
Chair of Diocesan Property Committee |
Rev Damian Porter |
Elected Members |
2 Clergy - Blackburn Archdeaconry |
Rev Canon Andrew Horsfall |
Rev Jo Smith |
4 Laity - Blackburn Archdeaconry |
Mr John Cowell |
Mr Melvyn Gardner |
Canon Ruth Haldane |
Mr David Wilkinson |
2 Clergy - Lancaster Archdeaconry |
Rev David Craven |
Rev Leah Vasey-Saunders |
4 Laity - Lancaster Archdeaconry |
Canon David Gascoigne |
Mrs Hannah Lockwood |
Mr Paul Ronson |
Mrs Jacqueline Stamper |
Appointed Members |
2 Diocesan Bishop/DBF Chair Lay appointments |
Ms Rana Shihadah |
Munawar Din |
Diocesan Board of Patronage |
Ex officio Members |
Bishop of Blackburn |
Rt Rev Philip North |
Archdeacon of the relevant Archdeaconry |
Area Dean of the relevant Deanery |
Lay Chair of the relevant Deanery |
Diocesan Board of Patronage (continued) |
Elected Members |
3 Clergy |
Rev Linda Tomkinson |
2 vacancies |
5 Laity |
Mr Bob Collins (Chair) |
Ms Jacqueline Stamper |
Mrs Rosemary Lyon |
2 vacancies |
Diocesan Mission and Pastoral Committee |
Chair |
Ven Mark Ireland and Ven David Picken |
Ex-officio Members |
Bishop of Blackburn |
Rt Rev Philip North |
Archdeacon of Blackburn |
Ven Mark Ireland |
Archdeacon of Lancaster |
Ven David Picken |
Elected Members |
5 Clergy |
Rev Paul Benfield |
Rev Gregor Stewart |
Rev Canon Andrew Horsfall |
2 vacancies |
8 Laity |
Mr Paul Ronson |
Canon Susan Witts |
Mr Bob Collins |
Mr Melvyn Gardner |
Mrs Jacqueline Stamper |
3 vacancies |
Diocesan Property Committee |
Chair |
Rev Damian Porter |
Vice Chair |
Rev Paul Robinson |
Ex officio Members |
Bishop of Blackburn |
Rt Rev Philip North |
Archdeacon of Blackburn |
Ven Mark Ireland |
Archdeacon of Lancaster |
Ven David Picken |
Elected Members |
3 Blackburn Clergy |
Rev Paul Benfield |
2 vacancies |
3 Lancaster Clergy |
Rev Paul Bye |
Rev Carol Backhouse |
1 vacancy |
2 Laity |
Mrs Susan Stewart |
1 vacancy |
Appointed Members |
4 Lay Appointed Members |
4 vacancies |
Co-opted Members |
2 Co-opted Members |
2 vacancies |
Blackburn Diocesan Board of Education |
Bishop of Blackburn |
Rt Rev Philip North |
Bishop's Nominees |
5 Bishop's Nominees |
Ven David Picken (Chair) |
Canon Andrew Holliday |
Canon Jo Snape |
Rev Simon Lloyd |
1 vacancy |
Elected Members |
5 Elected Members |
Rev Craig Abbott |
Rev Christopher Anderton |
Rev Canon David Arnold |
Mrs Esther Gregory-Witham |
Mrs Jane Mitchell |
Co-opted Members |
5 Co-opted Members |
Canon Richard Jones |
Mrs Deborah Metcalfe |
Mr Jonathan Hewitt |
Ms Yusra Arshad |
1 vacancy |
Vacancy in See Committee |
Ex officio Members |
Bishop of Burnley |
Rt Rev Philip North |
Bishop of Lancaster |
Rt Rev Dr Jill Duff |
Dean of Blackburn |
Very Rev Peter Howell-Jones |
Archdeacon of Lancaster |
Ven David Picken |
Archdeacon of Blackburn |
Ven Mark Ireland |
Chair of the Houe of Clergy |
Rev Peter Lillicrap |
Chair of the Houe of Laity |
Mr Bob Collins |
General Synod Members |
Rev Paul Benfield |
Rev Stephen Corbett |
Rev Alex Frost |
Rev Carol Backhouse |
Mr Paul Hannah |
Mrs Rosemary Lyon |
Dr Laura Oliver |
Mr Paul Ronson |
Mrs Jaqueline Stamper |
Mr Stephen Boyall |
Elected Members |
0 Clergy Elected - Blackburn Archdeaconry |
0 vacancies |
2 Clergy Elected - Lancaster Archdeaconry |
2 vacancies |
2 Lay Elected - Blackburn Archdeaconry |
2 vacancies |
1 Lay Elected - Lancaster Archdeaconry |
1 vacancy |
Nominated Members |
Nominated by Bishop's Council |
4 vacancies |
Non-Elected Board and Committee Membership 1 Jan 2025 - 31 Dec 2027 |
Diocesan Advisory Committee |
Chair - appointed |
Rev Andrew Holliday |
Ex-officio Members |
Archdeacon of Blackburn |
Ven Mark Ireland |
Archdeacon of Lancaster |
Ven David Picken |
Statutory Appointments |
Historic England Nominee |
1 vacancy |
JCNAS Nomineee and Conservation Engineer |
Mr Charles Blackett-Ord |
2 Appointed Diocesan Synod Members |
Rev Marc Wolverson |
Mr Stephen Pollard |
Other Appointed Members |
Architecture |
Mr Peter Boyd |
Project management of repairs |
Mr Bill Buck |
Conservation architecture |
Ms Jill Cowgill |
Clocks and towers |
Mr Ray Clayton |
Conservation architecture |
Mr Mike Darwell |
Organs |
Revd Nicholas Davis |
Architecture |
Mr Steve Fish |
Conservation architecture |
Ms Becky Gilbert-Rule |
Archaeology and Local Authorities nominee |
Mr Peter Iles |
Conservation planning |
Mrs Rosemary Lyons |
Conservation architecture |
Mr Edward Kepczyk |
Architecture and lighting |
Mr Mike Overton |
Bells and planning |
Mr Peter Rivet |
Conservation architecture |
Mr Duncan Sanderson |
Curate representative |
Revd Kathryn Sperring |
Conservation architecture |
Mr Ivan Wilson |
Consultants |
Mr John Brook |
Mrs Becky Gilbert-Rule |
Ms Lauren Crossley |
Rev Matt Malins |
Mr Alan Wilkinson |
Mr Mark Womersley |
Mr Chris Travis |
Finance Committee |
Chair - appointed |
Mr Nick Aves |
Ex officio Members |
Archdeacon of Blackburn |
Ven Mark Ireland |
Archdeacon of Lancaster |
Ven David Picken |
Chair of Board of Finance |
Mr David Barlow |
Chair (or Vice Chair) of House of Clergy |
Rev Peter Lillicrap |
Chair (or Vice Chair) of House of Laity |
Mr Bob Collins |
Chair of HR Committee |
Mr David Thompson |
Appointed Members |
Mr David Locke |
Canon David Gascoigne |
Mr Paul Ronson |
Mr David Wilkinson |
Mrs Jacqueline Stamper |
HR Committee |
Chair - appointed |
Mr David Thompson |
Co-opted members |
Rev Canon Andrew Holliday |
Rev Jo Smith |
Mr Andrew Marston |
Bishop's Budget Team |
Ex-officio |
Bishop of Blackburn |
Rt Rev Philip North |
Bishop of Lancaster |
Rt Rev Dr Jill Duff |
Bishop of Burnley |
Rt Rev Dr Joe Kennedy |
Archdeacon of Blackburn |
The Ven Mark Ireland |
Archdeacon of Lancaster |
The Ven David Picken |
Chair of the Board of Finance |
Mr David Barlow |
Vice Chair of the Board of Finance |
Mr Nick Aves |
Diocesan Secretary |
Canon Stephen Whittaker |
Head of Finance |
Mrs Ruth McGaughey |
Director of Vision Delivery |
Carolyn Barton |
Budget Scrutiny Committee |
Ex-officio Members |
Chair (Chair of Board of Finance) |
Mr David Barlow |
Vice-Chair of Board of Finance |
Mr Nick Aves |
Diocesan Secretary |
Canon Stephen Whittaker |
Head of Finance |
Mrs Ruth McGaughey |
Appointed Members |
4 Clergy Appointed |
Rev Alex Oehring |
3 vacancies |
4 Laity Appointed |
Mrs Chelsie Collier |
Mr Graham Kelsall |
Mr Christopher Kerry |
Mrs Sarah Woolford |
Audit, Risk and Governance Committee |
Independent Chair - Appointed |
Mrs Tracey Johnson |
Ex-officio Members |
Chair of Finance Committee |
Mr Nick Aves |
Appointed Members |
4 DBF Directors |
Mr David Barlow |
Mr David Wilkinson |
2 vacancies |
1 Independent Member |
Rev Kat Gregory-Witham |
Diocesan Synod Business Group |
Chair - appointed by the Bishop |
Rt Rev Dr Jill Duff |
Ex-officio Members |
Secretary to Synod |
Canon Stephen Whittaker |
Chair of the House of Clergy |
Rev Peter Lillicrap |
Vice-Chair of the House of Clergy |
1 vacancy |
Chair of the House of Laity |
Mr Bob Collins |
Vice-Chair of the House of Laity |
Ms Wendy Walker |
Appointed Members |
3 Appointments |
Rev Jane Atkinson |
Rev Claire Cooke |
Mrs Diane Dennett |
Investment Committee |
Ex-officio Members |
Chair (Chair of Finance Committee) |
Mr Nick Aves |
Chair of Board of Finance |
Mr David Barlow |
Diocesan Secretary |
Canon Stephen Whittaker |
Head of Finance |
Mrs Ruth McGaughey |
Co-opted members |
3 Co-opted |
Mr Chris Brambles |
Mrs Sarah Woolford |
1 vacancy (ordained) |