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Last updated 14th March 2025

Diocesan Synod Committees


Elected Board and Committee Membership 1 Jan 2025 - 31 Dec 2027

More details of committees and what they do can be found here

House of Clergy



Rev Canon Peter Lillicrap

Vice Chair



House of Laity



Mr Bob Collins

Vice Chair

Miss Wendy Walker


Bishop's Council and Standing Committee/Blackburn Diocesan Board of Finance Ltd

Ex officio Members


Bishop of Blackburn

Rt Rev Philip North

Bishop of Burnley

Rt Rev Joe  Kennedy

Bishop of Lancaster

Rt Rev Dr Jill Duff

Archdeacon of Blackburn

Ven Mark Ireland

Archdeacon of Lancaster

Ven David Picken

The Dean of Blackburn

Very Revd Peter Howell-Jones

Ex-Officio Elected by Diocesan Synod


Chair of the House of Clergy

Rev Canon Peter Lillicrap

Vice Chair of the House of Clergy


Chair of the House of Laity

Mr Bob Collins

Vice Chair of the House of Laity

Miss Wendy Walker

Ex-Officio Appointed by Synod


Chair of the Diocesan Board of Finance

Mr David Barlow

Vice Chair of the Diocesan Board of Finance

Mr Nick Aves

Ex-Officio Appointed by Bishop of Blackburn


Chair of Diocesan Property Committee

Rev Damian Porter

Elected Members


2 Clergy - Blackburn Archdeaconry

Rev Canon Andrew Horsfall


Rev Jo Smith

4 Laity - Blackburn Archdeaconry

Mr John Cowell


Mr Melvyn Gardner


Canon Ruth Haldane


Mr David Wilkinson

2 Clergy - Lancaster Archdeaconry

Rev David Craven


Rev Leah Vasey-Saunders

4 Laity - Lancaster Archdeaconry

Canon David Gascoigne


Mrs Hannah Lockwood


Mr Paul Ronson


Mrs Jacqueline Stamper

Appointed Members


2 Diocesan Bishop/DBF Chair Lay appointments

Ms Rana Shihadah


Munawar Din


Diocesan Board of Patronage


Ex officio Members


Bishop of Blackburn

Rt Rev Philip North

Archdeacon of the relevant Archdeaconry


Area Dean of the relevant Deanery


Lay Chair of the relevant Deanery


Diocesan Board of Patronage (continued)


Elected Members


3 Clergy

Rev Linda Tomkinson


2 vacancies

5 Laity

Mr Bob Collins (Chair)


Ms Jacqueline Stamper


Mrs Rosemary Lyon


2 vacancies


Diocesan Mission and Pastoral Committee



Ven Mark Ireland and Ven David Picken

Ex-officio Members


Bishop of Blackburn

Rt Rev Philip North

Archdeacon of Blackburn

Ven Mark Ireland

Archdeacon of Lancaster

Ven David Picken

Elected Members


5 Clergy

Rev Paul Benfield


Rev Gregor Stewart


Rev Canon Andrew Horsfall


2 vacancies

8 Laity

Mr Paul Ronson


Canon Susan Witts


Mr Bob Collins


Mr Melvyn Gardner


Mrs Jacqueline Stamper


3 vacancies


Diocesan Property Committee



Rev Damian Porter

Vice Chair

Rev Paul Robinson

Ex officio Members


Bishop of Blackburn

Rt Rev Philip North

Archdeacon of Blackburn

Ven Mark Ireland

Archdeacon of Lancaster

Ven David Picken

Elected Members


3 Blackburn Clergy

Rev Paul Benfield


2 vacancies

3 Lancaster Clergy

Rev Paul Bye


Rev Carol Backhouse


1 vacancy

2 Laity

Mrs Susan Stewart


1 vacancy

Appointed Members


4 Lay Appointed Members 

4 vacancies

Co-opted Members


2 Co-opted  Members

2 vacancies


Blackburn Diocesan Board of Education


Bishop of Blackburn

Rt Rev Philip North

Bishop's Nominees


5 Bishop's Nominees

Ven David Picken (Chair)


Canon Andrew Holliday


Canon Jo Snape


Rev Simon Lloyd


1 vacancy

Elected Members


5 Elected Members

Rev Craig Abbott


Rev Christopher Anderton


Rev Canon David Arnold


Mrs Esther Gregory-Witham


Mrs Jane Mitchell

Co-opted Members


5 Co-opted  Members

Canon Richard Jones


Mrs Deborah Metcalfe


Mr Jonathan Hewitt


Ms Yusra Arshad


1 vacancy


Vacancy in See Committee


Ex officio Members


Bishop of Burnley

Rt Rev Philip North

Bishop of Lancaster

Rt Rev Dr Jill Duff

Dean of Blackburn

Very Rev Peter Howell-Jones

Archdeacon of Lancaster

Ven David Picken

Archdeacon of Blackburn

Ven Mark Ireland

Chair of the Houe of Clergy

Rev Peter Lillicrap

Chair of the Houe of Laity

Mr Bob Collins

General Synod Members

Rev Paul Benfield


Rev Stephen Corbett


Rev Alex Frost


Rev Carol Backhouse


Mr Paul Hannah


Mrs Rosemary Lyon


Dr Laura Oliver


Mr Paul Ronson


Mrs Jaqueline Stamper


Mr Stephen Boyall

Elected Members


0 Clergy Elected - Blackburn Archdeaconry

0 vacancies

2 Clergy Elected - Lancaster Archdeaconry

2 vacancies

2 Lay Elected - Blackburn Archdeaconry

2 vacancies

1 Lay Elected - Lancaster Archdeaconry

1 vacancy

Nominated Members


Nominated by Bishop's Council

4 vacancies


Non-Elected Board and Committee Membership 1 Jan 2025 - 31 Dec 2027


Diocesan Advisory Committee


Chair - appointed

Rev Andrew Holliday

Ex-officio Members


Archdeacon of Blackburn

Ven Mark Ireland

Archdeacon of Lancaster

Ven David Picken

Statutory Appointments


Historic England Nominee

1 vacancy

JCNAS Nomineee and Conservation Engineer

Mr Charles Blackett-Ord

2 Appointed Diocesan Synod Members

Rev Marc Wolverson


Mr Stephen Pollard

Other Appointed Members 



Mr Peter Boyd 

Project management of repairs 

Mr Bill Buck 

Conservation architecture 

Ms Jill Cowgill 

Clocks and towers 

Mr Ray Clayton 

Conservation architecture 

Mr Mike Darwell 


Revd Nicholas Davis 


Mr Steve Fish 

Conservation architecture 

Ms Becky Gilbert-Rule 

Archaeology and Local Authorities nominee 

Mr Peter Iles 

Conservation planning 

Mrs Rosemary Lyons 

Conservation architecture 

Mr Edward Kepczyk 

Architecture and lighting 

Mr Mike Overton 

Bells and planning 

Mr Peter Rivet 

Conservation architecture 

Mr Duncan Sanderson 

Curate representative 

Revd Kathryn Sperring 

Conservation architecture 

Mr Ivan Wilson 




Mr John Brook


Mrs Becky Gilbert-Rule


Ms Lauren Crossley


Rev Matt Malins


Mr Alan Wilkinson


Mr Mark Womersley


Mr Chris Travis


Finance Committee


Chair - appointed

Mr Nick Aves

Ex officio Members


Archdeacon of Blackburn

Ven Mark Ireland

Archdeacon of Lancaster

Ven David Picken

Chair of Board of Finance

Mr David Barlow

Chair (or Vice Chair) of House of Clergy

Rev Peter Lillicrap

Chair (or Vice Chair) of House of Laity

Mr Bob Collins

Chair of HR Committee

Mr David Thompson

Appointed Members


Mr David Locke


Canon David Gascoigne


Mr Paul Ronson


Mr David Wilkinson


Mrs Jacqueline Stamper


HR Committee


Chair - appointed

Mr David Thompson

Co-opted members


Rev Canon Andrew Holliday


Rev Jo Smith


Mr Andrew Marston



Bishop's Budget Team




Bishop of Blackburn

Rt Rev Philip North

Bishop of Lancaster

Rt Rev Dr Jill Duff

Bishop of Burnley

Rt Rev Dr Joe Kennedy

Archdeacon of Blackburn

The Ven Mark Ireland

Archdeacon of Lancaster

The Ven David Picken

Chair of the Board of Finance

Mr David Barlow

Vice Chair of the Board of Finance

Mr Nick Aves

Diocesan Secretary

Canon Stephen Whittaker

Head of Finance

Mrs Ruth McGaughey

Director of Vision Delivery

Carolyn Barton


Budget Scrutiny Committee


Ex-officio Members


Chair (Chair of Board of Finance)

Mr David Barlow

Vice-Chair of Board of Finance

Mr Nick Aves

Diocesan Secretary

Canon Stephen Whittaker

Head of Finance

Mrs Ruth McGaughey

Appointed Members


4 Clergy Appointed  

Rev Alex Oehring


3 vacancies



4 Laity Appointed 

Mrs Chelsie Collier


Mr Graham Kelsall


Mr Christopher Kerry


Mrs Sarah Woolford


Audit, Risk and Governance Committee


Independent Chair - Appointed

Mrs Tracey Johnson

Ex-officio Members


Chair of Finance Committee

Mr Nick Aves

Appointed Members


4 DBF Directors

Mr David Barlow


Mr David Wilkinson


2 vacancies

1 Independent Member

Rev Kat Gregory-Witham


Diocesan Synod Business Group


Chair   - appointed by the Bishop

Rt Rev Dr Jill Duff

Ex-officio Members


Secretary to Synod

Canon Stephen Whittaker

Chair of the House of Clergy

Rev Peter Lillicrap

Vice-Chair of the House of Clergy

1 vacancy

Chair of the House of Laity

Mr Bob Collins

Vice-Chair of the House of Laity

Ms Wendy Walker

Appointed Members


3 Appointments

Rev Jane Atkinson


Rev Claire Cooke


Mrs Diane Dennett


Investment Committee


Ex-officio Members


Chair   (Chair of Finance Committee)

Mr Nick Aves

Chair of Board of Finance

Mr David Barlow

Diocesan Secretary

Canon Stephen Whittaker

Head of Finance

Mrs Ruth McGaughey

Co-opted members


3 Co-opted

Mr Chris Brambles


Mrs Sarah Woolford


1 vacancy (ordained)




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