Following a similar event in December, there will be another half night of prayer on Thursday 6 March from 7pm to 11pm at St Laurence’s church, Chorley.
This event is happening as we continue into our Year of Prayer for Growth and Renewal across the Diocese.
During this year we are called to be praying together for new and deeper disciples for Jesus Christ and that we will be renewed in the power of the Holy Spirit for a season of mission in our centenary year 2026.
The Half Night of Prayer coming up on March 6 will see all three Bishops present and we will be reflecting on Reconciliation in Christ.
To do that we will be using the parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15), focusing on Rebellion and its effects, Repentance – a fresh start, and Restoration of relationship with the Father.
There will be an opening Eucharist and opportunities for confession; individual prayer ministry and silent prayer; prayer before the Blessed Sacrament and ending with plainsong Compline (Night Prayer).
All are invited and welcome to attend, from wherever you are in the Diocese.