Prayer for Israel and Palestine at this time
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Clergy moves and news
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News and events
Lent and Easter 2025 resources page, including Bishop Philip's Lent Course
General Synod, February 10-14; agendas, papers and other key links
Public notices; also information about listed buildings and burial grounds
Installation of the new Bishop of Burnley, Rev. Dr Joe Kennedy
Weekly Sermon
Harvest Appeal 2024
Resources to support prayer for Ukraine
SUBSCRIBE to our ebulletins, including Parish Update
Black History Resources for parishes and schools
Racial justice including 'From Lament to Action'; information page
God's creation and the environment; news, info, resources to help you engage
Diocesan Conferences: Livestream recordings and other resources for ongoing use
Protocols for publicity of events
Vision 2026
Vision Refresh
Vision Refresh
History, background and Vision Update 2021-24
What is Vision 2026?
Vision Update and Implementation Plan 2021-24
A short history and background of Vision 2026
Vision 2026 Key themes
Making Disciples of Jesus Christ
Being Witnesses to Jesus Christ
Growing Leaders for Jesus Christ
Inspiring Children and Young People
Our Vision Prayer
Vision 2026 Parish Toolkit
Vision Champions Resources
Where can I find help with ...? Lots of useful advice!
Healthy church assessment tool
Parish Vision Fund
Church growth factors
Generosity Gift and Grace - 5 sessions for use within services
Generosity Gift and Grace Course Materials
Vision 2026 and our focus on discipleship
Strategic Development Funded Projects
Lighting up New Generations
Outer estates ministry
Diocesan Investment Programme
Major new funding award to Diocese
Information relating to new missional roles in the Diocese
What we do
Share the Christian faith
Support individuals' faith journeys
Baptisms, weddings and funerals
Transforming Communities - social justice
Support parish activities
Support educational chaplaincy
Support prison chaplaincy
Support hospital chaplaincy
Interfaith presence and engagement
Be a part of the Anglican Communion
Joyful Generous Stewards
Donate to diocesan projects
Life Calling
Growing Leaders
The Growing Leaders Team
Vision 2026: Growing Leaders
Opportunities to Explore
What is God's plan for you?
UKME Vocations
Lay Majority Ministry
Lay Majority Ministry Framework
Licensed Lay Ministry
Anna Chaplaincy
Authorised Lay Ministry
M:Power (Lay) leadership training in urban contexts
Church Army
Informal lay ministry
Whole life discipleship
What is whole life discipleship?
The Process
About us
Women in Ministry
Women in Ministry: Statement from our new Bishop of Blackburn
Women in Ministry Strategy
Clergy Menopause Policy
Clergy Maternity Leave Policy
Contact us
Bishops and Archdeacons
Bishop's House Team
Diocesan Offices
Meet the Vision and Strategy Team
Reporting a website issue and website legal terms
Meet the Diocesan Office teams
Diocesan property (clergy houses) and land
Human Resources (HR)
Vision Delivery
Communications Team
Diocesan Secretary and Vision 2026
Making Disciples Team
Growing Leaders Team
Children, young people and schools (Board of Ed.)
Our deaneries - Blackburn Archdeaconry
Blackburn Archdeaconry Boundary Map
Blackburn with Darwen
Our deaneries - Lancaster Archdeaconry
Lancaster Archdeaconry Boundary Map
Lancaster and Morecambe
Our diocesan finances
Parish Share: How it works and what it pays for
Diocesan Board of Finance (DBF) budget and accounts; key information
Our wider church family
General Synod
Whalley Abbey
Link Dioceses - Information and updates
Diocesan Board of Education
Blackburn Cathedral
Cidari Multi-Academy Trust
Churches Together in Lancashire
Blackburn Diocese Mothers' Union
Hope Together
Our governance structures
Diocesan Synod
Diocesan Synod Committees
Deanery synods
Bishop's Council and Directors
Privacy Notice Relating to Clergy Personal Files
Blackburn Diocesan Board of Finance Data Privacy Notice
Safeguarding Privacy Notices
PCR2 Safeguarding Privacy Notice
Our facts and figures
Registry including profile of our Registrar Lisa Moncur
The Church of England
Our history
Human Resources
Parish Employment Toolkit
Meet the team
HR support for parishes
HR Support for Clergy
Liturgy and church services
Confirmation service
Common Worship service templates
Institution/licensing service templates
New website resource: Sunday Scriptures for Reading Aloud
Baptism Preparation materials
Admission of Sidesmen/women
Energy saving and cost of living support, advice and resources
Introduction to this section by Bishop Philip
Stewardship in difficult times; advice, support for parish leaders
Stewardship: Pray, talk and reach out
Discipleship and generosity; advice and resources
How some parishes are supporting their communities
Support for parishes from other organisations
Creation Care and Net Zero Roadmap
Church Buildings and help with reaching Net Zero Carbon
Energy Footprint Tool
Shrinking the carbon footprint
Eco Church - recognition for creation care by your church
100% Renewable energy tariffs
Creation Care and the Environment
Climate resilience, carbon net zero and energy saving help for parish leaders
For lay ministry
Lay Ministers
Communion/chalice assistants
Senior clergy talks, articles and sermons
Bishop Philip North
Bishop Jill Duff
Archdeacon Mark Ireland
Archdeacon David Picken
For clergy
'Say Jesus': Communicating the Gospel Effectively - Curates' training
Important information for clergy
Clergy wellbeing
Ad clerum
Ministerial Development Review (MDR)
CME and sabbaticals
Vicarage grants
Curate training
Self-supporting ministry (SSM)
Marriage law
Retired Clergy
Permission to Officiate (PTO)
Communications resources
Communications resource area - welcome!
Importance of using a communications strategy
Digital Communications resources
Important information about our e-bulletins
Using articles from Parish Update and the Diocesan website in parish communications
Communicating with people not online; includes use of pictures
Using the 'A Church Near You' website
Get your church noticed
Effective digital communications including social media
Filming and photography including asking for consent
Advice on taking good pictures
Copyright guidance for images, music and text
Writing press releases: Guidance and template releases
Simple guide to promoting a church event
Downloadable logos: Diocesan logo; Vision 2026 logo and national CofE logo
Filming and requests to film in churches - general advice
Discipleship, prayer and worship
Hear Our Prayer: Bishop Philip's Lent course for 2025
Year of Prayer for Growth and Renewal
Making Disciples of Jesus Christ: Overview
Bible study
Blackburn Prayers; Answers to Prayer; Pathways to Prayer and other prayer resources
Spiritual Direction
Building a Generous Church
Regular Giving
Online and Contactless Giving
Generosity and Stewardship
Stewardship programmes and resources
Generosity Week
Disability inclusiveness
Encouragements: Answers to prayer
Music and worship
Discipleship App
Seasonal Resources
Parish Finance
Parochial Fees 2025
Easy Fundraising
Treasurers' advice
Parish Fundraising
Stewardship Sermons and Liturgy
Parochial Fees 2024
Parochial Fees 2023
0% interest Eco-loan
Stewardship and legacies
Gift Aid
Parish administration and governance
Archdeacons' Annual (Deanery) Visitations
General Data Protection Regulation 2018 (GDPR)
PCC secretary or administrator
Parochial Church Council
Glossary of church terms
National Parish resources website
Parish returns
Churchwardens' duties
Diocesan Identity Badges
Church of England portal
Employment of parish staff
Churchwardens' briefings
Welcomers (Sidesmen/women)
Pastoral reorganisation
Vacancy process
Archdeacons' Parish Visitations
Community transformation
Rural Ministry
Cinnamon Network
Acts 435
Street Pastors
Christians Against Poverty
Credit unions
Church Action on Poverty
Emergency response and planning
Being witnesses (parish mission resources)
Being Witnesses
Diocesan Parish Mission Team
Enquirers' courses
Community Football Outreach
'Lighting the Beacons'; Bishop Jill's book is great resource for parishes
Held in God's Gaze: Listening to the Mystics
Held in God's Gaze
Choir Church
I Was a Stranger And You Welcomed Me
In Rural Contexts
New Local Congregations and Fresh expressions (FxC)
Jesus Shaped People (JSP)
Mission to new housing developments
Open Churches toolkit
Church buildings, land and legal matters
Listed buildings and burial grounds; Public Notices
Diocesan Advisory Committee (DAC)
Faculties and other Permissions for Works to Churches
Advice for Bells, Clocks and Organs
Churchyard regulations (including application form)
Churchyard Safety
Churchyards and Trees
Community Use of Church Buildings
Disability and Accessibility
Flags, military colours; advice for parishes
Grants and Funding
Health and Safety
Large Church Reorderings: Help and Advice
Metal and Stone Theft
Quinquennial Inspections and Inspecting Architects and Surveyors
Telecommunications Infrastructure
Parish Vision Fund
Financial Assistance Group (Parish Vision Fund)
Supporting people with disabilities
Barrier-Free Belonging
Top tips for churches
The Equality Act and Disability Access Audit
Hearing Loss
Sight Loss
Physical Disabilities and Wheelchair Access
Hidden Disabilities
Learning Disabilities and Organisations Offering Support
Children, Young People and Schools
INEQE Safeguarding Audit
Reporting a safeguarding concern
Diocesan Safeguarding Team Contacts
Parish Safeguarding Dashboard and Hubs
Safeguarding Resource Hub
Safeguarding Training
Parish Safeguarding guidance
Diocesan/national policies and guidance
Safer Recruitment: DBS
Safeguarding Matters newsletter
PCR2- Resources/ Info
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Clergy moves and news
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Vacancies and moves
Clergy vacancies
General vacancies
Clergy moves and news
< Upcoming events
Sunday 30th September 2018 at 4pm.
A Service of Thanksgiving for the life of Fr. Terry Murnane.
Please find below a poster detailing a Service of Thanksgiving for the life of Fr. Terry Murnane:
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Weekly Sermon
Diocesan/national policies and guidance
Diocesan Safeguarding Team Contacts
Writing press releases: Guidance and template releases
Our Vision Prayer
Recent News
Social media highlights from the Consecration of Rt Rev. Dr Kennedy, Bishop of Burnley
Major new funding award to Diocese from national church for our mission and evangelism work
Moving art installation returns to Lancaster Priory for the rest of January
Bishop Philip's 2025 Lent Course 'Hear our Prayer' launches across Diocese
Archbishop commissions our new Racial Justice Group as new Diocesan video is released
Upcoming Events
Discerning a new Vision - BLACKBURN WITH DARWEN Deanery Synod meeting
Discerning a new Vision - LANCASTER and MORECAMBE Deanery Synod meeting
Discerning a new Vision - LEYLAND Deanery Synod meeting
Discerning a new Vision - KIRKHAM Deanery Synod meeting