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Saturday 10 November 10am to 4.30pm

Walk through the Bible: OT Live

‘Walk through the Bible: OT Live’ is on Saturday November 10, from 10am-4.30pm at St Bartholomew’s, Jack Walker Way, Blackburn BB2 4JJ. 

This event is open to all parishes across the Diocese and provides an excellent opportunity to get to grips with the whole of the Old Testament in a single day. 

The aim is to act as a taster for Churches and Deaneries across the Diocese, to see if this is something they’d like to arrange locally themselves during the Vision 2026 ‘Year of Discipleship 2019’. 

The presenter provides an engaging and inter-active experience for all who attend, with clear explanations of how each part fits into the whole. 

Suitable for Christians, non-Christians and enquirers and anyone who has an interest in what’s in the Old Testament, the day will enhance our understanding of God’s plan as revealed in his Word, the Bible. 

Designed for over 16s, younger children over 11 can attend for free but won’t get a handbook. 

By the end of the day you’ll have a memorable way of re-calling the Old Testament story and you’ll take away a handbook and 40 day devotional booklet which will help you in your ongoing life journey. 

To book a place sign up on the website searching for November 10 in the listing, and a secure payment of the £14 charge will be taken. (As we need to know numbers in advance it won’t be possible to turn up and pay on the day). 

Bring a packed lunch and tea and coffee will be available for the various breaks between the sessions. 

Come along to see if this is something you could encourage your church or Deanery to arrange locally.