Seven new Licenced Lay Ministers were admitted and licensed and the new Diocesan Lay Training Officer was commissioned on Sunday, November 29, 2020.
Bishop Philip conducted the service over Zoom with the Warden of Lay Ministry, the five Assistants Wardens of Lay Ministry, the Director of Vocations and the Director of Training joining along with the Incumbents; while family and friends of the candidates also joined the service.
Those who were licensed are below. Please hold them all in your prayers as they begin their ministry in their parishes and across the Diocese.
Alwyn Carroll to Leyland St Ambrose
Sheila Fisher to Standish St Wilfrid |
Tony Hindle to Accrington St James and St Paul |
Kenneth Lee to Darwen St Barnabas |
Diane Otto to Ellel St John the Evangelist |
Annie Riley to Bispham All Hallows
Iain Thomson to Greenlands St Anne |