< Lancaster Archdeaconry (Archdeaconry)
Preston Deanery
Places within the deanery
Ball, The Revd John - Clergy PTO
Beeson, The Revd Christopher - Clergy PTO
Jackson, The Revd Christopher - Clergy PTO
Loxham, The Revd Geoffrey - Clergy PTO
Mack, The Revd Gill - Clergy PTO
Raines, The Revd Bill - Clergy PTO
Raines, The Revd Gisela - Clergy PTO
Omavuebe, The Revd Augustine - Clergy PTO
Champness, Mrs Sue - Assistant Warden of Lay Ministry
Mairs, The Revd Canon Adrian - Clergy PTO
Adesina, The Revd Jesse - Clergy PTO
Craven, The Revd David - Area Dean
Ukonu, The Ven Rex - Clergy PTO
Samuel, The Revd Testimony - Clergy PTO
Reardon, The Revd Cathy - Clergy PTO