The General Synod of The Church of England meets from November 16 to 17.
This is the first meeting of the new Synod since five yearly elections took place in the summer.
Following a service at Westminster Abbey on the morning of November 16, sessions begin in the afternoon.
Full details of the agendas are available via the links below, plus ways in which you can engage with the proceedings.
HRH Prince Edward will give the opening address on behalf of Her Majesty The Queen. The full text of Her Majesty's opening address can be read here on the national Church of England website.
The results of the recent elections for representatives from this Diocese can be seen on this page of our website.
Our representatives can be seen here at the Westminster Abbey service on the morning of November 16.
Synod considers and approves legislation affecting the whole of The Church of England, formulates new forms of worship, debates matters of national and international importance, and approves the annual budget for the work of the Church at national level.
The General Synod comprises the Convocations of Canterbury and York, joined together in a House of Bishops and a House of Clergy, to which is added a House of Laity.
In an regular year, General Synod meets in February in London (as pictured) and in July in York, and occasionally, as in this case, in November in London.
Ronnie Semley, November 2021