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28th February 2025

We are here by His intention; not by accident

A special moment came at the end of what had already been a wonderful evening when St Chad's Church, Poulton held a church meal at a local restaurant, writes David Gascoigne.

The 53 diners included many friends and family who had been invited to come and hear our guest speaker Rev Dr Andrew Sach (pictured) on 'How is Christian faith still relevant in this modern scientific world?'

Nearly all the guests had left but three or four were still lingering, asking the speaker questions whilst the restaurant staff cleared the tables.  When those final enquirers had left, a young waiter in his 20s approached the speaker.  "Would it be okay if I ask you a question about God?" he said politely. "On Tuesday, for the first time in my life I prayed. I said 'God I believe you are there, but how can I know you?' and then I came into work this evening and you lot are here.  Is this a coincidence, or can you help me to know God?  What should I do next?".

Andrew assured him that it was no coincidence!

During the evening Andrew had explained how knowing that God is our Creator means we know we are here by His intention and not by accident, and how the death and resurrection of Jesus demonstrates God's love for us.

Andrew went on to say that Jesus offers us abundant life and turns our water into wine, and is not, as many suppose, the spoil-sport god who wants to turn our wine into water.

Before taking several probing questions Andrew offered guests a free copy of his book "Are you 100% sure you want to be an agnostic?" (published by 10ofthose) and then closed his talk by explaining the eyewitness testimony of John "That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have touched - this we proclaim concerning the Word of life" (1 Jn 1:1).

We were so grateful to Andrew Sach, who is vicar of Grace Church Greenwich, for making the trip from London.

He combined it with speaking to nearly 100 people the following morning at an event organised by the North West Gospel Partnership at St Andrews Church, Leyland, on 'Dig Deeper into 1&2 Kings' (the title of Andrew's latest book, published this month by IVP).